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《考槃 - Kao Pan》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 考槃:
Kao Pan:
He has reared his hut by the stream in the valley,
- That large man, so much at his ease.
Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and talks.
He swears he will never forgets [his true joy].

2 考槃:
Kao Pan:
He has reared his hut in the bend of the mound,
- That large man, with such an air of indifference.
Alone he sleeps, and wakes, and sings.
He swears he will never pass from the spot.

3 考槃:
Kao Pan:
He has reared his hut on the level height,
- That large man, so self-collected.
Alone, he sleeps and wakes, and sleeps again.
He swears he will never tell [of his delight].

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/kao-pan