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《隰有萇楚 - Xi You Chang Chu》

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 隰有萇楚:
Xi You Chang Chu:
In the low wet grouds is the carambola tree;
Soft and pliant are its branches,
With the glossiness of tender beauty.
I should rejoice to be like you, [O tree], without consciousness.

2 隰有萇楚:
Xi You Chang Chu:
In the low, damp grounds is the carambola tree;
Soft and delicate are its flowers,
With the glossiness of its tender beauty.
I should rejoice to be like you, [O tree], without a family.

3 隰有萇楚:
Xi You Chang Chu:
In the low, damp grounds is the carambola tree;
Soft and delicate is its fruit,
With the glossiness of its tender beauty.
I should rejoice to be like you, [O tree], without a household.

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/xi-you-chang-chu