Chinese Text Project |
《有女同車 - You Nu Tong Che》 | English translation: James Legge [?] | Books referencing 《有女同車》 Library Resources |
1 | 有女同車: |
有女同車、顏如舜華。 將翱將翔、佩玉瓊琚。 彼美孟姜、洵美且都。 |
You Nu Tong Che: |
There is the lady in the carriage [with him], With the countenance like the flower of the ephermeral hedge-tree. As they move about, The beautiful Ju-gems of her girdle-pendant appear. That beautiful eldest Jiang, Is truly admirable and elegant. | |
2 | 有女同車: |
有女同行、顏如舜英。 將翱將翔、佩玉將將。 彼美孟姜、德音不忘。 |
You Nu Tong Che: |
There is the young lady walking [with him], With a countenance like the ephermeral blossoms of the hedge-tree. As they move about, The gems of her girdle-pendant tinkle. Of that beautiful eldest Jiang, The virtuous fame is not to be forgotten. |
URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/you-nu-tong-che