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《終南 - Zhong Nan》

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《終南》 Library Resources
1 終南:
Zhong Nan:
What are there on Zhongnan?
There are white firs and plum trees.
Our prince has arrived at it,
Wearing an embroidered robe over his fox-fur,
And with his countenance rouged as with vermilion.
May he prove a ruler indeed!

2 終南:
Zhong Nan:
What are there on Zhongnan?
There are nooks and open glades.
Our prince has arrived at it,
With the symbol of distinction embroidered on his lower garment,
And the gems at his girdle emitting their tinkling.
May long life and an endless name be his?

URN: ctp:book-of-poetry/zhong-nan