Radical: | 肉+ 7 strokes = 11 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.486#29 p.487#7 Kangxi: p.984#12 Cihai: p.1097r6c02 GSR: 324.m Hanyu: v3,p2081#01 |
Composition: | Left: 月, right: 兌. Component of: 𭊕 𦸍 |
Mandarin: | tuō tuì ㄊㄨㄛ ㄊㄨㄟˋ |
Cantonese: | tyut3 |
Shuowen: | 《》脫:消肉臞也。从肉兌聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》脫:肉去骨亦姓出姓苑。又土活切。 《···》脫:骨去肉。又徒活切。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》脫:《唐韻》《韻會》《正韻》𠀤徒活切,音奪。《》消肉臞也。《玉篇》肉去骨《韻會》一曰壤斷。《增韻》物自解也。《博雅》脫,離也。《·》肉曰脫之。《註》剝其皮也。《疏》治肉,除其筋膜,取好者。又《韻會》免也。《·》自以爲不得脫長安。《註》脫,免也。又略也。《·》凡禮始乎脫。《註》脫,猶疏略也。《後漢·向栩傳》及之官,時人謂其必當脫素從儉。《註》脫易𥳑素。又《博雅》脫,遺也。《禮·冠義知其能弟長而無遺矣註》遺,猶脫也。又過去也。《·》老子曰:夫巧知神聖之人,吾自以爲脫焉。《註》脫,過去也。又除也。《公羊傳·昭十九年》復加一飯,則脫然愈。《註》脫然,疾除貌。又《韻會》誤也。又或然之辭。又草名。《·》倚商,活脫。《》升山,其草多寇脫。《註》寇脫草生南方,高丈許,似荷葉,而莖中有瓤,正白。又鳥名。《博雅》籠脫,鷂也。又山名。《》東七十里,曰脫扈之山。又龍脫,地名。《史記·樊酈傳》戰龍脫。《註》在易州。又《》《集韻》《正韻》他括切《韻會》他活切,𠀤音捝。義同。又《集韻》欲雪切,音悅。蟲新出,皮悅好貌。司馬彪說。《·》蝴蝶,胥也。化而爲蟲,生於竈下,其狀若脫。《註》脫,新出皮也。又《集韻》吐外切。與娧同。娧娧,舒遲貌。一曰喜也。《·》舒而脫脫兮。《禮·儒行·麤而翹之又不急爲也註》又必舒而脫脫焉。《釋文》脫,吐外反。又《·》脫然而喜矣。《註》脫,舒也。又《韻補》叶音退。《孔稚圭·北山移文》若其亭亭物表,皎皎霞外,芥千金而不眄。屣萬乗其如脫。《註》脫,叶徒對反。又叶音託。《蘇軾·范景仁銘》君實旣來,遁歸於洛。縶而維之,莫之勝脫。 |
Fanqie: | 徒活 (《···》) 土活 (《···》) 他括 (《···》) 徒活 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | take off, peel off, strip |
脫 |
tuō ㄊㄨㄛ (1): 將肉去掉皮骨。 Remove skin and bones from meat.
《·》: | 肉曰脫之,魚曰作之,棗曰新之,栗曰撰之,桃曰膽之,柤梨曰攢之。 | (Bones and sinews) were taken from the flesh; the scales were scraped from fish; dates were made to appear as new; chestnuts were selected; peaches were made smooth; k? and pears had the insects drilled out of them. | 《·》: | 肉,曰脫之。 |
tuō ㄊㄨㄛ (2): 去掉、解下。 Remove, take off.
《·》: | 至舍,進盥漱巾櫛,脫屨戶外,膝行而前曰:「向者弟子欲請夫子,夫子行不閒,是以不敢。」 | And when they came to their lodging-house, he brought in water for the master to wash his hands and rinse his mouth, along with a towel and comb. He then took off his shoes outside the door, went forward on his knees, and said, 'Formerly, your disciple wished to ask you, Master, (the reason of what you said); but you were walking, and there was no opportunity, and therefore I did not presume to speak.' | 《·》: | 時雨既至,挾其槍刈耨鎛,以旦暮從事於田墅,脫衣就功。 |
tuō ㄊㄨㄛ (3): 脫離、離開。 Leave, exit.
《·》: | 故曰:「魚不可脫於淵,國之利器不可以示人。」 | In accordance with this it is said, 'Fish should not be taken from (the protection of) the deep waters; the agencies for the profit of a state should not be shown to men.' |
tuō ㄊㄨㄛ (4): 逃脫、免於禍。 Escape, evade.
《·》: | 老子曰:「夫巧知神聖之人,吾自以為脫焉。」 | Laozi replied, 'I consider that I have freed myself from the trammels of claiming to be artfully knowing, spirit-like, and sage.' | 《·》: | 是故始如處女,敵人開戶,後如脫兔,敵不及拒。 |
tuō ㄊㄨㄛ (5): 出、發出。 Emit, utter.
《·》: | 臣聞之,古者之言樂於鍾磬之間者不如此,言脫於口,而令行乎天下。 |