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先秦兩漢 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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論衡 - Lunheng

[Eastern Han] 80 Wang Chong
Books referencing 《論衡》 Library Resources

自紀 - Autobiography

English translation: Albert Forke [?] Library Resources
9 自紀:
Wang Chong's book cannot be free from imperfection. Some say that in speaking he does not choose the words, nor in writing, the phrases. Compositions must be tastefully written, and discussions ingeniously conducted. When such words strike the ear, they cause a pleasant feeling in the heart, and when the eye falls on writing, the hand does not lay the book aside again. Such disputations are always listened to, and excellent compositions always appreciated. Now, since this new book chiefly consists of comparisons and strictures on the depravity of the age, and does not praise what is good, it does not please the reader. The tunes played by the music-master Kuang were always full of feeling, and the delicacies prepared by Yi Di and Yi Ya were never tasteless. When a clever man writes a book, it is without a flaw. Lu Shi and Huai Nan made an advertisement on the market gates, and the readers did not find fault with one word in their books. Now the Lun-heng does not possess the beauties of these two books. It is long enough, but open to objections in many respects.
In reply I beg to state that he who cherishes veracity does not trouble much about beauty, and that regulating the conduct, he does not polish his words. Luxuriant grass has often abundance of blossoms, and mighty forests have many dry branches. The purport of words is to clearly show the nature of things, how can they be polished and above all censure? Saving a man from fire or out of water, we do not care, whether we do it in a beautiful style or not, and, when we debate on a question, our words must not necessarily be ingenious. Plunging into a lake to seize turtles, we have no time to think, whether we place our feet right, and catching dragons in deep water, we have no time to care for the position of our hands.
In spite of bad style and faulty terms the meaning may be excellent and far reaching sometimes, and sweet words and beautiful expressions give often a very poor sense. When a thousand chung of grain are cleansed, more than half are husks, and examining a hundred thousand cash, one finds that the broken coins exceed ten thousand. Fine soups are often insipid, and the best jewels have their flaws. A slip-shod production may possess great beauties, and a great artist do very second-rate work. Every discussion has its weak points, and in the ablest production some deficiencies can be detected.
Golden words come from noble houses, and foul productions from poor families, they think.--- Huai Nan Tse and Lu Shi did not encounter any difficulties, because they were descendants of rich houses and of high rank. Since they were noble, they could well advertise on the market place, and being so wealthy, they could easily make the alternate promise of a thousand chin. Their readers were intimidated and in awe, and would never have ventured to criticise one character, even if it had been quite out of place.

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34 王貢兩龔... :

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