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Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version

CTP Dictionary

jūn ㄐㄩㄣ (2): 国君。 The ruler of a state.
They are two men but both see that this is a pillar. Like serving a ruler. The pillar's engendering of the complement is not to be treated as necessary. (?)
The Master said, "The rude tribes of the east and north have their princes, and are not like the States of our great land which are without them."
In the kingdom of ten thousand chariots, the murderer of his sovereign shall be the chief of a family of a thousand chariots.
The king of Chu and the ruler of Fan were sitting together. After a little while, the attendants of the king said, 'Fan has been destroyed three times.'
When a ruler is ill, and has to drink medicine, the minister first tastes it.

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