Radical: | 曰+ 9 strokes = 13 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.381#26 p.382#6 Kangxi: p.503#08 Cihai: p.654r3c02 GSR: 321.a Hanyu: v2,p1524#05 |
Composition: | Top: 亼, bottom: 𭥴. Component of: 𨞡 儈 𨞤 𠘎 劊 噲 徻 𡼾 懀 廥 𢶒 𨗥 澮 𣍋 獪 𪩚 𠁚 嬒 鄶 𡑭 [More] |
Mandarin: | huì kuài guì ㄏㄨㄟˋ ㄎㄨㄞˋ ㄍㄨㄟˋ |
Cantonese: | kui2 wui2 wui4 wui5 wui6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *huɑ̀i |
Shuowen: | 《》會:合也。从亼,从曾省。曾,益也。凡會之屬皆从會。 |
Guangyun: | 《···》會:合也,古作會亦州秦屬隴西郡漢分爲金城郡周爲防隋爲鎭武德初平李軌置會州又姓漢有會相。黃外切。又音儈。五。 《···》會:會稽山名。又黃外切。 |
Kangxi: | 《··》會:〔古文〕𣌭㞧𠃐㣛𣥈《唐韻》《集韻》𠀤黃外切,音繪。合也。《易·乾卦》亨者,嘉之會也。《疏》使物嘉美之會聚。《·》灉沮會同。《疏》謂二水會合而同。又《》會其有極。《疏》會,謂集會。《禮·樂記》竹聲濫,濫以立會,會以聚衆。又《周禮·天官·大宰》大朝覲會同。又《春官·大宗伯》時見曰會。又《禮·檀弓》周人作會,而民始疑。《註》會,謂盟也。《左傳·昭三年》有事而會,不協而盟。又《左傳·宣七年》凡師出與謀曰及,不與謀曰會。又《集韻》《韻會》𠀤古外切,音儈。與繪通。《·》日月星辰,山龍華蟲作會。《傳》會,五采也。《釋文》馬、鄭作繪。又《詩·衞風》會弁如星。《箋》會,謂弁中之縫也。《釋文》會,《》作䯤。《周禮·夏官·弁師》王之皮弁會五采。《註》會,作䯤。鄭司農云:謂以五采束髮也。士喪禮曰:檜用組,乃笄。檜,讀與䯤同,書之異耳。又《周禮·天官·小宰》聽出入以要會。《註》謂計最之簿書,月計曰要,歲計曰會。又《天官·司會註》會,大計也。又《周禮·夏官·職方氏》東南曰揚州,其山鎭曰會稽。《註》會稽,在山隂。又姓。《姓氏急就篇》漢武陽令會栩。又《集韻》古活切,音括。會撮項椎也。又《集韻》戸栝切,音活。《莊子·人閒世》會撮指天。向秀讀。又《韻補》今聲濁,叶泰。古聲淸,叶祭。《卻正·釋譏》三方鼎峙,九有未乂。聖賢拯救之秋,列士樹功之會。 考證:〔《春官·大宗伯》時見而會。〕謹照原文而會改曰會。〔《集韻》古活切,音括。撮項椎也。〕謹照原文撮上增會字。 |
Fanqie: | 黃外 (《···》) 古外 (《···》) 黃外 (《···》) |
Unihan definition: | to assemble, meet together; a meeting; an organization |
會 |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (1.1): 聚集,會合。 Assemble, gather.
《·》: | 彼其所以會之,必有不蘄言而言,不蘄哭而哭者。 | In his attracting and uniting them to himself in such a way there must have been that which made them involuntarily express their words (of condolence), and involuntarily wail, as they were doing. |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (1.2): 特指盟會、宴會。 Banquet.
《·》: | 葵丘之會諸侯,束牲、載書而不歃血。 | At the assembly of the princes in Kui Qiu, he bound the victim and placed the writing upon it, but did not slay it to smear their mouths with the blood. | 《》: | 王許之,遂與秦王會澠池。 |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (1.3): 會面,相見。 Meet with.
《》: | 冬,公會齊侯于防,謀伐宋也。 | 《·》: | 又曰:「公會齊侯、宋公、鄭伯、許男、滕子。」 | 《·》: | 《》曰:「」 | 《》: | 夏,五月辛酉,公會齊侯,盟於艾。 | 《》: | 夏,五月辛酉,公會齊侯,盟于艾。 |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (2.1): 符合,投合。 Agree with.
《·》: | 不通此者,雖目數千羊之群,耳分八風之調,足蹀陽阿之舞,而手會綠水之趨,智終天地,明照日月,辯解連環,澤潤玉石,猶無益於治天下也。 |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (2.2): 音節,節奏。 Tempo.
《·》: | 合於《桑林》之舞,乃中《經首》之會。 | Movements and sounds proceeded as in the dance of 'the Mulberry Forest' and the blended notes of the King Shou. |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (3): 考核,會試。 Examine, test.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (4): 都會,人物會集的地方。 Meeting place.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (5): 交合,交配。 Copulation .
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (6): 時機,機會。 Chance, opportunity.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (7): 中醫經脈穴位名。 Name of an acupuncture point in Chinese medicine.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (8): 恰巧,適逢。 Luckily, coincidentally.
《》: | 此時魯仲連適游趙,會秦圍趙,聞魏將欲令趙尊秦為帝,乃見平原君曰:「事將柰何?」 | 《》: | 此時魯仲連適又趙,會秦圍趙。 |
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (9): 應當。 Should.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (10): 能,擅長。 Able, capable.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (11): 領悟,理解。 Understand.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (12): 付款。 Pay money.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (13): 通「惠」。 Benefit, kindness.
huì ㄏㄨㄟˋ (14): 通「繪」:五彩的刺繡。 Embroidery in the five colours.
《·》: | 予欲觀古人之象,日、月、星辰、山、龍、華蟲作會。 | I wish to see the emblematic figures of the ancients - the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountain, the dragons, and the flowery fowl (the pheasant), which are depicted (on the upper garment). |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (15): 總計,算賬。 Total, settle (a bill).
《·》: | 管仲會國用,三分二在賓客 | 《》: | 後孟嘗君出記,問門下諸客:「誰習計會,能為文收責於薛者乎?」 |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (16): 帽子上綴解采玉的縫隙叫會,或作朝服蔽滕的領縫也叫會。 Seams of a cap or collar of official dress.
《·》: | 有匪君子、充耳琇瑩、會弁如星。 | There is our elegant and accomplished prince, - With his ear-stoppers of beautiful pebbles, And his cap, glittering as with stars between the seams! |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (17): 買賣的居間人。後作「儈」。 Broker, buyer and seller.
《·》: | 通邑大都,酤一歲千釀,醯醬千瓨,漿千甔,屠牛羊彘千皮,販穀糶千鐘,薪槁千車,船長千丈,木千章,竹竿萬,其軺車百乘,牛車千兩,木器髤者千枚,銅器千鈞,素木鐵器若炧茜千石,馬蹄蹾千,牛千足,羊彘千雙,僮手指千,筋角丹沙千斤,其帛絮細布千鈞,文采千匹,榻布皮革千石,漆千斗,糱麹鹽豉千荅,鮐鮆千斤,鯫千石,鮑千鈞,棗栗千石者三之,狐鼦裘千皮,羔羊裘千石,旃席千具,佗果菜千鐘,子貸金錢千貫,節駔會,貪賈三之,廉賈五之,此亦比千乘之家,其大率也。 |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (18): 通「旝」:古代旗的一種。 A type of flag.
《·》: | 殷商之旅、其會如林。 | The troops of Yin-shang, Were collected like a forest. |
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (19): 通「鄶」:古國名。 The state of Kuai.
kuài ㄎㄨㄞˋ (20): 食器之蓋,可覆可仰,也用以以盛食盛食。 Cover of a container for food, also used for serving.
會撮 |
kuò cuō ㄎㄨㄛˋ ㄘㄨㄛ : 後頸椎骨。 Vertebra at the back of the neck.
《·》: | 支離疏者,頤隱於臍,肩高於頂,會撮指天,五管在上,兩髀為脅。 | There was the deformed object Shu. His chin seemed to hide his navel; his shoulders were higher than the crown of his head; the knot of his hair pointed to the sky; his five viscera were all compressed into the upper part of his body, and his two thigh bones were like ribs. |