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《墨子 - Mozi》

[Spring and Autumn - Warring States] 490 BC-221 BC English translation: W. P. Mei [?]
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[Also known as: "Mo-tze"]

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 卷一 - Book 1
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  1. 親士 - Befriending the Learned
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  2. 修身 - Self-cultivation
  3. 所染 - On Dyeing
  4. 法儀 - On the necessity of standards
  5. 七患 - The seven causes of anxiety
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  6. 辭過 - Indulgence in Excess
  7. 三辯 - Threefold Argument

 卷二 - Book 2
  8. 尚賢上 - Exaltation of the Virtuous I
  9. 尚賢中 - Exaltation of the Virtuous II
  10. 尚賢下 - Exaltation of the Virtuous III

 卷三 - Book 3
  11. 尚同上 - Identification with the Superior I
  12. 尚同中 - Identification with the Superior II
  13. 尚同下 - Identification with the Superior III

 卷四 - Book 4
  14. 兼愛上 - Universal Love I
  15. 兼愛中 - Universal Love II
  16. 兼愛下 - Universal Love III

 卷五 - Book 5
  17. 非攻上 - Condemnation of Offensive War I
  18. 非攻中 - Condemnation of Offensive War II
  19. 非攻下 - Condemnation of Offensive War III

 卷六 - Book 6
  20. 節用上 - Economy of Expenditures I
  21. 節用中 - Economy of Expenditures II
  22. 節用下 - Economy of Expenditures III
  23. 節葬上 - Simplicity in Funerals I
  24. 節葬中 - Simplicity in Funerals II
  25. 節葬下 - Simplicity in Funerals III

 卷七 - Book 7
  26. 天志上 - Will of Heaven I
  27. 天志中 - Will of Heaven II
  28. 天志下 - Will of Heaven III

 卷八 - Book 8
  29. 明鬼上 - On Ghosts I
  30. 明鬼中 - On Ghosts II
  31. 明鬼下 - On Ghosts III
  32. 非樂上 - Condemnation of Music I

 卷九 - Book 9
  33. 非樂中 - Condemnation of Music II
  34. 非樂下 - Condemnation of Music III
  35. 非命上 - Anti-Fatalism I
  36. 非命中 - Anti-Fatalism II
  37. 非命下 - Anti-Fatalism III
  38. 非儒上 - Anti-Confucianism I
  39. 非儒下 - Anti-Confucianism II

 卷十 - Book 10 [Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)]
  40. 經上 - Canon I
  41. 經下 - Canon II
  42. 經說上 - Exposition of Canon I
  43. 經說下 - Exposition of Canon II

 卷十一 - Book 11
  44. 大取 - Major Illustrations [Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)]
  45. 小取 - Minor Illustrations [Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)]
  46. 耕柱 - Geng Zhu

 卷十二 - Book 12
  47. 貴義 - Esteem for Righteousness
  48. 公孟 - Gong Meng

 卷十三 - Book 13
  49. 魯問 - Lu's Question
  50. 公輸 - Gong Shu

 卷十四 - Book 14
  52. 備城門 - Fortification of the City Gate
  53. 備高臨 - Defense against Attack from an Elevation
  56. 備梯 - Defense against Attack with Ladders
  58. 備水 - Preparation against Inundation
  61. 備突 - Preparation against a Sally
  62. 備穴 - Preparation against Tunnelling
  63. 備蛾傅 - Defence against Ant-Rush

 卷十五 - Book 15
  68. 迎敵祠 - The Sacrifice against the Coming of the Enemy
  69. 旗幟 - Flags and Pennants
  70. 號令 - Commands and Orders
  71. 雜守 - Miscellaneous Measures in Defence



Source: "The ethical and political works of Motse", W. P. Mei, Probsthain, 1929 - Romanisation changed from Wade-Giles to Pinyin

N.B. W.P. Mei's translation omits the Canons, Daqu, Xiaoqu, and the military chapters.

English translation of the Canons is based on that in A.C. Graham's "Later Mohist Logic, Ethics, and Science", Chinese University Press, 1978


參考:《墨子譯注》辛志鳳、蔣玉斌等,黑龍江人民出版社,2004年 - 分段與標點符號基本上按照此書。

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URN: ctp:mozi