齊 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (1.1): 整齊,一致。 Orderly, uniform.
qí ㄑㄧˊ (1.2): 一齊,一同。 Together, along with.
《》: | 齊烏枝鳴曰:用少莫如齊致死,齊致死莫如去備。 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (2.1): 相等,相同。 Equal, the same.
《·》: | 子游曰:「有亡惡乎齊?」 | Zi-you urged, 'How can a family that has means and one that has not have things done in the same way?' | 《·》: | 分均則不偏,埶齊則不壹,眾齊則不使。 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (2.2): 平,高低一樣。 Level, of equal height.
qí ㄑㄧˊ (3.1): 整治。 Regulate, put in order.
《·》: | 欲治其國者,先齊其家。 | Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (3.2): 戒敕。 Order, command.
《·》: | 予齊百工,伻從王于周,予惟曰:『庶有事。』 | I will marshal all the officers to attend you from Zhou, merely saying that probably there will be business to be done (in sacrificing). |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (4): 全,齊全。 Complete, entire.
《·》: | 陛下損膳省用,出禁錢以振元元,寬貸賦,而民不齊出於南畝,商賈滋眾。 | 《·》: | 今賴陛下神靈,甲兵不動久矣,然則民不齊出於南畝,以口率被墾田而不足,空倉廩而賑貧乏,侵益日甚,是以愈惰而仰利縣官也。 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (5): 疾速,敏捷。 Very fast, nimble.
《·》: | 楚國之民,齊疾而均,速若飄風 | The people of the state of Chu, who were alert and well-balanced and fast as a whirlwind. |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (6.1): 限,定限。 Limit, boundary.
qí ㄑㄧˊ (6.2): 限制。 To limit, to impose a boundary on.
qí ㄑㄧˊ (7): 辨別,分辨。 Distinguish, separate.
qí ㄑㄧˊ (8.1): 肚臍。後作「臍」。 Navel, bellybutton.
《》: | 楚文王伐申,過鄧,鄧祁侯曰,吾甥也,止而享之,騅甥,聃甥,養甥,請殺楚子,鄧侯弗許,三甥曰,亡鄧國者,必此人也,若不早圖,後君噬齊,其及圖之乎,圖之,此為時矣,鄧侯曰,人將不食吾餘,對曰,若不從三臣,抑社稷實不血食,而君焉取餘,弗從,還年,楚子伐鄧,十六年,楚復伐鄧,滅之。 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (8.2): 中央。 Central.
《·》: | 華胥氏之國在弇州之西,台州之北,不知斯齊國幾千萬里。 | 《·》: | 殷,齊,中也。 |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (8.3): 漩渦。 Swirl, vortex.
《·》: | 與齊俱入,與汩偕出,從水之道而不為私焉。 | I enter and go down with the water in the very centre of its whirl, and come up again with it when it whirls the other way. I follow the way of the water, and do nothing contrary to it of myself |
qí ㄑㄧˊ (9): 先秦國名。 The pre-Qin state of Qi.
《·》: | 孔丘之齊見景公,景公說,欲封之以尼谿,以告晏子 | Kong Qiu visited the state of Qi and saw Lord Jing. Lord Jing was pleased and was going to assign Ni Xi to him. He told Yanzi about it. | 《·》: | 子華使於齊,冉子為其母請粟 | Zi Hua being employed on a mission to Qi, the disciple Ran requested grain for his mother. | 《·》: | 及寡人之身,東敗於齊,長子死焉。 | But since it descended to me, on the east we have been defeated by Qi, and then my eldest son perished. | 《·》: | 葉公子高將使於齊,問於仲尼曰:「王使諸梁也甚重,齊之待使者,蓋將甚敬而不急。」 | Zi Gao, duke of She, being about to proceed on a mission to Qi, asked Zhongni, saying, The king is sending me, Zhu Liang, on a mission which is very important. Qi will probably treat me as his commissioner with great respect, but it will not be in a hurry (to attend to the business). | 《·》: | 齊穀王姬之喪,魯莊公為之大功 | 'When the news was sent from Qi of the mourning for the king's daughter who had been married to the marquis, duke Zhuang of Lu wore the nine months' mourning for her. | 《·》: | 臣聞天下陰燕陽魏,連荊固齊,收韓而成從,將西面以與秦強為難,臣竊笑之 |
jī ㄐㄧ (10): 升起,登。後作「躋」。 Rise up, climb.
《·》: | 地氣上齊,天氣下降,陰陽相摩,天地相蕩,鼓之以雷霆,奮之以風雨,動之以四時,暖之以日月,而百化興焉 | The breath (or influence) of earth ascends on high, and that of heaven descends below. These in their repressive and expansive powers come into mutual contact, and heaven and earth act on each other. (The susceptibilities of nature) are roused by the thunder, excited by the wind and rain, moved by the four seasons, and warmed by the sun and moon; and all the processes of change and growth vigorously proceed. |
jī ㄐㄧ (11): 醬菜。後作「齏」。 Preserved vegetables.
jì ㄐㄧˋ (12.1): 調配。後作「劑」。 Blend, mix together, prepare (medicine).
jì ㄐㄧˋ (12.2): 調味品。 Condiments.
jì ㄐㄧˋ (12.3): 藥劑。 Medicine.
jì ㄐㄧˋ (13.1): 份量,劑量。 Portion, dose.
《·》: | 調和之事,必以甘酸苦辛鹹,先後多少,其齊甚微,皆有自起。 |
jì ㄐㄧˋ (13.2): 特指合金配料比例。 Proportion of metal in an alloy.
jiǎn ㄐㄧㄢˇ (14): 斷,剪斷。 Cut off.
zhāi ㄓㄞ (15.1): 齋戒。後作「齋」。 Fast, abstain from meat, wine, etc.
《·》: | 齊,必有明衣,布。 | When fasting, he thought it necessary to have his clothes brightly clean and made of linen cloth. | 《·》: | 吾將三月豢汝,十日戒,三日齊,藉白茅,加汝肩尻乎彫俎之上,則汝為之乎? | I will for three months feed you on grain. Then for ten days I will fast, and keep vigil for three days, after which I will put down the mats of white grass, and lay your shoulders and rumps on the carved stand; will not this suit you? | 《·》: | 孔子曰:「三日齊,一日用之,猶恐不敬。」 | Confucius said, 'There are three days' fasting on hand., If one fast for the first day, he should still be afraid of not being (sufficiently) reverent. | 《》: | 成廟將遷之新廟,君前徙三日齊,祝、宗人及從者皆齊 |
zhāi ㄓㄞ (15.2): 整潔身心,以示虔心。後作「齋」。 Solemnity.
zhāi ㄓㄞ (15.3): 莊重,肅敬。 Dignified, respectful.
《·》: | 雖疏食菜羹,瓜祭,必齊如也。 | Although his food might be coarse rice and vegetable soup, he would offer a little of it in sacrifice with a grave, respectful air. | 《·》: | 思齊大任、文王之母、思媚周姜、京室之婦。 | Pure and reverent was Da-ren, The mother of king Wen; Loving was she to Zhou Jiang; - A wife becoming the House of Zhou. |
zī ㄗ (16.1): 衣的下擺。 Lower hem of an item of clothing.
《·》: | 攝齊升堂,鞠躬如也,屏氣似不息者。 | He ascended the reception hall, holding up his robe with both his hands, and his body bent; holding in his breath also, as if he dared not breathe. | 《·》: | 兩手摳衣去齊尺。 | With his two hands he should hold up his lower garment, so that the bottom of it may be a cubit from the ground. |
zī ㄗ (16.2): 將喪服下部的邊折轉縫起來。 Raise the lower part of the funeral dress.