Chinese Text Project |
奉 U+5949 | ![]() Seal script | ![]() Jinwen | ![]() Jianbo | 𠬻 Semantic variant | 𢱵 Semantic variant |
Radical: | 大+ 5 strokes = 8 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.238#23 Kangxi: p.251#02 Cihai: p.370r3c01 GSR: 1197.z Hanyu: v1,p0531#05 |
Composition: | Component of: 俸 𢜗 𬪅 𡞗 唪 埲 捧 𨔐 淎 𢔓 𣨞 𤊡 𣈖 琫 棒 䏾 𫗉 𤷰 𭅏 𮃉 [More] |
Mandarin: | fèng ㄈㄥˋ |
Cantonese: | fung6 |
Tang reconstruction: | *bhiǒng |
Shuowen: | 《𠬞部》奉:承也。从手从廾,𡴀聲。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·腫·奉》奉:與也,獻也,禄也。《說文》承也。扶隴切,二。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·大部·五》奉:〔古文〕𠬻𢱵《唐韻》扶壟切《集韻》《韻會》父勇切,𠀤音唪。《說文》承也。《禮·曲禮》長者與之提攜,則兩手奉長者之手。又與也,獻也。《史記·藺相如傳》奉璧西入秦。又《集韻》房用切,音俸。養也,秩祿也。《史記·蕭何世家》高祖以吏䌛咸陽,吏皆送奉錢三,何獨以五。《前漢·宣帝紀》帝詔小吏,勤事而奉薄,其益百石以上奉十五。別作俸。又姓。漢馬軍使奉揮,明奉科。 |
Fanqie: | 扶隴 (《廣韻·上聲·腫·奉》) |
Unihan definition: | offer; receive; serve; respect |
Example usage
《孟子·告子上》: | 為宮室之美、妻妾之奉、所識窮乏者得我與? |
When he takes them, is it not that he may obtain beautiful mansions, that he may secure the services of wives and concubines, or that the poor and needy of his acquaintance may be helped by him? | |
《禮記·投壺》: | 投壺之禮,主人奉矢,司射奉中,使人執壺。 |
According to the rules for Pitch-pot, the host carries the arrows in both his hands put together; the superintendent of the archery carries in the same way the stand on which the tallies were placed; and an attendant holds in his hand the pot. | |
《揚子法言》: | 或問:「茅焦歷井幹之死,使始皇奉虛左之乘。」 |
Someone asked: Mao Jiao witnessed dead bodies being piled up like the railings around a well, yet he persuaded Qin Shi Huang to leave empty the space to the left of his chariot. | |
《墨子·尚同下》: | 故古者建國設都,乃立后王君公,奉以卿士師長,此非欲用說也,唯辯而使助治天 助1明也。 |
Hence, when Heaven established the empire and located the capital and commissioned the sovereign, kings, lords, and dukes, and appointed secretaries, scholars, professors, and elders - it was not to give them ease, but only to divide up the task and let them help carry out the light of Heaven. | |
《莊子·駢拇》: | 枝於仁者,擢德塞性以收名聲,使天下簧鼓以奉不及之法非乎? |
(So), excessive benevolence eagerly brings out virtues and restrains its (proper) nature, that (its possessor) may acquire a famous reputation, and cause all the organs and drums in the world to celebrate an unattainable condition. | |
《道德經》: | 人之道,則不然,損不足以奉有餘。 |
It is not so with the way of man. He takes away from those who have not enough to add to his own superabundance. | |
《商君書·定分》: | 故知詐賢能者皆作而為善,皆務自治奉公,民愚則易治也。 |
Thus the knowing and crafty ones, as well as the virtuous and capable, will all force themselves to behave well and will do their best to restrain themselves and to serve the public weal. When people are stupid, they are easy to govern. | |
《孫子兵法·作戰》: | 千里饋糧,則內外之費賓客之用,膠漆之材,車甲之奉,日費千金,然後十萬之師舉矣。 |
With provisions enough to carry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor, will reach the total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 堯子丹朱,舜子商均,皆有疆土,以奉先祀。 |
Yao's son Danzhu, and Shun's son Shangjun, both held territory so that they might be enabled to perform sacrifices to their ancestors. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 蔽公者謂之昧,隱賢者謂之妒,奉妒昧者謂之交譎。 |
《說苑·脩文》: | 故曰黃鐘微而均,鮮全而不傷,其為宮獨尊,象大聖之德,可以明至賢之功,故奉而薦之于宗廟,以歌迎功德,世世不忘。 |
《春秋繁露·玉杯》: | 文公不能服喪,不時奉祭,不以三年,又以喪取,取於大夫,以卑宗廊,亂其群祖以逆先公。 |
《韓詩外傳·卷二》: | 崔杼弒莊公,合士大夫盟,盟者皆脫劍而入,言不疾,措血至者死,所殺者十餘人,次及晏子,奉杯血,仰天而嘆曰:「惡乎!」 |
《大戴禮記》: | 奉相仁義,則吾與之聚群。 |
《白虎通德論·鄉射》: | 謁忠奉几杖,授安車濡輪,恭綏執授。 |
《新書·道德說》: | 澤者鑑也,鑑以道之神,模貫物形,通達空竅,奉一出入為先,故謂之鑑。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 於是呂后令呂澤使人奉太子書,卑辭厚禮迎四人 |
《中論·法象》: | 昔宋敏碎首於棊局,陳靈被禍於戲言,閻邴造逆於相詬,子公生弒於嘗黿,是故君子居身也謙,在敵也讓,臨下也莊,奉上也敬。 |
《孔子家語·觀周》: | 孔子曰:「敬奉教。」 |
《潛夫論·明闇》: | 慢賤信貴,則朝廷讜言無以至,而潔士奉身伏罪於野矣。 |
《論衡·命祿》: | 才力而致富貴,命祿不能奉持,猶器之盈量,手之持重也。 |
《太玄經·竈》: | 測曰,「鬲實之食」、時我奉也。 |
《風俗通義》: | 武帝出璽印石,裁有兆朕,奉車子侯即沒其印,乃止。 |
《孔叢子·記問》: | 楚王使使奉金帛聘夫子。 |
《申鑒·政體》: | 上以功惠綏民,下以財力奉上,是以上下相與。 |
《忠經·聖君章》: | 則人化之,天下盡忠以奉上也。 |
《新語·無為》: | 周公制作禮樂,郊天地,望山川,師旅不設,刑格法懸,而四海之內,奉供來臻,越裳之君,重譯來朝。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 在京師曰奏長安宮,在泰山則曰奏奉高宮。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 大駕、則公卿奉引大將軍參乘太僕御,屬車八十一乘,備千乘萬騎。 |
《列子·力命》: | 管仲與召忽奉公子糾奔魯,鮑叔奉公子小白奔莒。 |
《鶡冠子·天則》: | 以為奉教陳忠之臣,未足恃也。 |
《文子·守弱》: | 天之道,抑高而舉下,損有餘奉不足,江海處地之不足,故天下歸之奉之,聖人卑謙,清靜辭讓者見下也,虛心無有者見不足也,見下故能致其高,見不足故能成其賢,矜者不立,奢者不長,強梁者死,滿溢者亡,飄風暴雨不終日,小谷不能須臾盈,飄風暴雨行強梁之氣,故不能久而滅,小谷處強梁之地,故不得不奪,是以聖人執雌牝,去奢驕,不敢行強梁之氣,執雌牝,故能立其雄牡,不敢奢驕,故能長久。 |
《列仙傳·嘯父》: | 臨上三亮,上與梁母別,列數十火而升西,邑多奉祀之。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 動作以為己,殺人以成威,賊下以自奉也。 |
《韓非子·存韓》: | 斯之來使,以奉秦王之歡心,願效便計,豈陛下所以逆賤臣者邪? |
《管子·輕重戊》: | 衡山械器盡,魯削衡山之南,齊削衡山之北,內自量無械器以應二敵,即奉國而歸齊矣。 |
《六韜·盈虛》: | 吏、忠正奉法者尊其位,廉潔愛人者厚其祿。 |
《司馬法·仁本》: | 見其老幼,奉歸勿傷。 |
《尉繚子·踵軍令》: | 奉王之軍命,授持符節,名為順職之吏,非順職之吏而行者誅之。 |
《三略·下略》: | 奉而行之,名曰政。 |
《淮南子·主術訓》: | 豈其奉養不足樂哉! |
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