Chinese Text Project |
告 U+544A | Seal script | Jinwen | Jiaguwen | Jianbo | 吿 Alternate form Semantic variant |
Radical: | 口+ 4 strokes = 7 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.417#29 p.460#36 Kangxi: p.181#19 GSR: 1039.a Hanyu: v1,p0589#12 |
Composition: | Top: ⺧, bottom: 口. Component of: 诰 俈 勂 𠜯 𡜲 𡨟 𡷥 𢍎 𤞺 郜 䧊 哠 峼 𡇪 悎 𫧂 捁 浩 牿 造 [More] |
Mandarin: | gào ㄍㄠˋ |
Cantonese: | gou3 guk1 |
Tang reconstruction: | *gɑ̀u |
Shuowen: | 《告部》告:牛觸人,角箸橫木,所以告人也。从口从牛。《易》曰:「僮牛之告。」凡告之屬皆从告。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·去聲·号·誥》告:報也。《說文》作𠰛。又音梏。 《廣韻·入聲·沃·梏》告:又音誥告上曰告發下曰誥。 |
Fanqie: | 工毒 (《四書章句集注·論語集注·顏淵第十二》) 古到 (《廣韻·去聲·号·誥》) 古沃 (《廣韻·入聲·沃·梏》) |
Unihan definition: | tell, announce, inform; accuse |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《論語·學而》: | 告諸往而知來者。 |
I told him one point, and he knew its proper sequence. | |
《孟子·告子下》: | 夫苟好善,則四海之內,皆將輕千里而來告之以善。 |
If a minister love what is good, all within the four seas will count 1000 li but a small distance, and will come and lay their good thoughts before him. | |
《禮記·奔喪》: | 凡為位,非親喪,齊衰以下,皆即位哭盡哀,而東免絰,即位,袒、成踴、襲,拜賓反位,哭成踴,送賓反位,相者告就次。 |
In all cases where one made a place for his mourning (away from home), if it were not on occasion of the death of a parent, but for some relative of the classes not so nearly related, he went to the station, and wailed, giving full vent to his sorrow. Having put on the cincture for the head and the girdle on the east, he came back to the station, bared his arms, and went through the leaping. He then covered his arms, bowed to the visitors, went back to the station, wailed, and went through the leaping. (After this), he escorted the guests away, and came back to the station, when the director told him to go to the shed. | |
《論衡·率性》: | 其惡者,故可教告率勉,使之為善。 |
The wicked can be instructed and urged on to do good. | |
《莊子·德充符》: | 哀公異日以告閔子曰:「始也,吾以南面而君天下,執民之紀,而憂其死,吾自以為至通矣。」 |
Some days afterwards duke Ai told this conversation to Min-zi, saying, 'Formerly it seemed to me the work of the sovereign to stand in court with his face to the south, to rule the kingdom, and to pay good heed to the accounts of the people concerned, lest any should come to a (miserable) death - this I considered to be the sum (of his duty).' | |
《商君書·說民》: | 有姦必告之,則民斷於心。 |
If they make it their habit to denounce all crimes, then the people make the judgments in their own minds. | |
《史記·五帝本紀》: | 遍告以言,明試以功,車服以庸。 |
When they presented a full verbal report, which was intelligently tested by their works, and chariots and robes given according to their deserts. | |
《荀子·君子》: | 天子無妻,告人無匹也。 |
《說苑·君道》: | 成王封伯禽為魯公,召而告之曰:「爾知為人上之道乎?」 |
《春秋繁露·竹林》: | 《書》曰:「爾有嘉謀嘉猷,入告爾君於內,爾乃順之於外,曰:此謀此猷,惟我君之德。」 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 子貢以告 |
《大戴禮記·保傅》: | 及秦不然,其俗固非貴辭讓也,所尚者告得也。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 封諸侯於廟者,示不自專也,明法度,皆祖之制也,舉事必告焉。 |
《新書·道德說》: | 垂之後世,辯議以審察之,以轉相告。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 漢王乃使使者告韓信、彭越曰:「并力擊楚,楚已破,自陳以東傅海與齊王,睢陽以北至穀城與彭相國。」 |
《中論·虛道》: | 故人願告之而,不倦。 |
《孔子家語·始誅》: | 季孫聞之,不說,曰:「司寇欺余,曩告余曰:國家必先以孝。」 |
《潛夫論·班祿》: | 其後忽養賢而《鹿鳴》思,背宗族而《采蘩》怨,履畝稅而《碩鼠》作,賦歛重譯告通,班祿頗而《傾甫》賴,行人定而《緜蠻》諷,故遂耗亂衰弱。 |
《太玄經·太玄棿》: | 告、其所由往也。 |
《風俗通義·六國》: | 寤之日,告公孫支與子輿曰:『我之帝所,甚樂。』 |
《孔叢子·嘉言》: | 既而夫子告子貢,曰:「東郭亥欲為義者也。」 |
《申鑒·時事》: | 古者天子諸侯,有事必告于廟。 |
《忠經·盡忠章》: | 嘉祥既成,告于上下。 |
《新語·道基》: | 故曰:張日月,列星辰,序四時,調陰陽,布氣治性,次置五行,春生夏長,秋收冬藏,陽生雷電,陰成雪霜,養育群生,一茂一亡,潤之以風雨,曝之以日光,溫之以節氣,降之以殞霜,位之以眾星,制之以斗衡,苞之以六合,羅之以紀綱,改之以災變,告之以禎祥,動之以生殺,悟之以文章。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 謂之陛下者,群臣與天子言,不敢指斥天子,故呼在陛下者而告之。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 《維天之命》、一章八句,告太平于文王之所歌也。 |
《墨子·經說下》: | 若智之,則當指之智告我,則我智之,兼指之以二也。 |
《列子·天瑞》: | 雖然,夫子嘗語伯昏瞀人,吾側聞之,試以告女。 |
《鶡冠子·著希》: | 說者言仁,則以為誣,發於義,則以為誇,平心而直告之,則有弗信。 |
《文始真經·二柱》: | 兆龜,數蓍,破瓦,文石,皆能告吉凶。 |
《列仙傳·馬師皇》: | 後數數有龍出其波,告而求治之。 |
《韓非子·十過》: | 乃召師涓而告之,曰:「有鼓新聲者,使人問左右,盡報弗聞,其狀似鬼神,子為我聽而寫之。」 |
《管子·輕重戊》: | 衡山之君告其相曰:「天下爭吾械器,令其買再什以上」,衡山之民,釋其本而修械器之巧。 |
《孫子兵法·九地》: | 犯之以事,勿告以言。 |
《吳子·圖國》: | 不敢信其私謀,必告於祖廟,啟於元龜,參之天時,吉乃後舉。 |
《六韜·選將》: | 七曰、告之以難,以觀其勇。 |
《司馬法·仁本》: | 其有失命亂常,背德逆天之時,而危有功之君,偏告于諸侯,彰明有罪。 |
《尉繚子·將令》: | 將軍告曰:『出國門之外,期日中設營,表置轅門,期之,如過時則坐法。』 |
《淮南子·氾論訓》: | 宋人有嫁子者,告其子曰:「嫁未必成也。」 |
《呂氏春秋·不苟》: | 繆公以告蹇叔。 |
《鬼谷子·權篇》: | 故無目者不可示以五色,無耳者不可告以五音。 |
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