Chinese Text Project |
里 U+91CC | ![]() Seal script | ![]() Jinwen | ![]() Jianbo | 裏 Alternate form Traditional character | 裡 Traditional character |
Radical: | 里+ 0 strokes = 7 strokes total. |
References: | Guangyun: p.252#18 Kangxi: p.1291#02 Cihai: p.1357r4c01 GSR: 978.a Hanyu: v6,p3680#01 |
Composition: | Top: 田, bottom: 土. Compositionally related: 𡊰 . Component of: 厘 𫭬 𨛋 𠗔 𪜽 𠫶 𫟯 俚 𪟯 捚 浬 狸 㢆 𩧹 𨓦 埋 䧉 𨤤 𢃇 悝 [More] |
Mandarin: | lǐ ㄌㄧˇ |
Cantonese: | lei5 |
Tang reconstruction: | *liə̌ |
Shuowen: | 《里部》里:居也。从田从土。凡里之屬皆从里。 |
Guangyun: | 《廣韻·上聲·止·里》里:周禮五家爲鄰五鄰爲里風俗通云五家爲軌十軌爲里里者止也,五十家共居止也,又姓左傳晉大夫里克又漢複姓有相里氏。良士切,十。 |
Kangxi: | 《康熙字典·里部·里部》里:《廣韻》良已切《集韻》兩耳切《正韻》良以切,𠀤音裏。《爾雅·釋言》里,邑也。《詩·鄭風》將仲子兮,無踰我里。《傳》里,居也。《周禮·地官·遂人》五家爲鄰,五鄰爲里。《前漢·𠛬法志》在壄曰廬,在邑曰里。《風俗通》五家爲軌,十軌爲里。里者,止也,五十家共居止也。又《正韻》路程,今以三百六十步爲一里。又憂也。《詩·大雅》瞻卬昊天,云如何里。《箋》里,憂也。又姓。《左傳·昭十七年》鄭之未災也,里析告子產。《註》里析,鄭大夫。又百里、相里,複姓。又地名。《左傳·宣三年》子臧得罪而出,誘子華而殺之南里。《註》南里,鄭地。又山名。《史記·封禪書註》高里山,在泰山下。又《五代史·附錄》契丹所居曰梟羅箇沒里。《註》沒里者,河也。又古夫稱妻曰鄕里。《南史·張彪傳》我不忍令鄕里落它處。《沈約·山隂柳家女詩》還家問鄕里,詎堪持作夫。又《正韻》漢制:長安有戚里,人君姻戚居之,後世因謂外戚爲戚里。又《周禮·冬官考工記·匠人》里爲式,然後可以傳衆方。《註》里,讀爲已,聲之誤也。《釋文》里,音以。 |
Fanqie: | 良士 (《廣韻·上聲·止·里》) |
Unihan definition: | unit of distance; village; lane |
CTP Dictionary
[Show proper names]Example usage
《論語·里仁》: | 子曰:「里仁為美。」 |
The Master said, "It is virtuous manners which constitute the excellence of a neighborhood." | |
《孟子·盡心上》: | 所謂西伯善養老者,制其田里,教之樹畜,導其妻子,使養其老。 |
The expression, "The chief of the West knows well how to nourish the old," refers to his regulation of the fields and dwellings, his teaching them to plant the mulberry and nourish those animals, and his instructing the wives and children, so as to make them nourish their aged. | |
《禮記·問喪》: | 惻怛之心,痛疾之意,傷腎乾肝焦肺,水漿不入口,三日不舉火,故鄰里為之糜粥以飲食之。 |
In the bitterness of his grief, and the distress and pain of his thoughts, his kidneys were injured, his liver dried up, and his lungs scorched, while water or other liquid did not enter his mouth, and for three days fire was not kindled (to cook anything for him). On this account the neighbours prepared for him gruel and rice-water, which were his (only) meat and drink. | |
《揚子法言》: | 樗里子之知也,使知國如葬,則吾以疾為蓍龜。 |
As for Shuli Zi's knowledge of the future—If he had known the fate of his kingdom like that of his tomb, then I would take him to be my milfoil sticks and tortoise shells. | |
《莊子·逍遙遊》: | 鯤之大,不知其幾千里也。 |
I do not know how many li in size. | |
《道德經》: | 千里之行,始於足下。 |
The journey of a thousand li commenced with a single step. | |
《商君書·說民》: | 治國貴下斷,故以十里斷者弱,以五里斷者強,家斷則有餘,故曰日治者王。 |
Those who administer a country deem it important that inferiors should give judgments; therefore, when ten hamlets are the unit for making judgments, there will be weakness; whereas when five hamlets are the unit for making judgments, there will be strength. If it is the family that gives judgments, there will be abundance. Therefore, of such a country it is said: 'He who creates order in one day will attain supremacy.' | |
《孫子兵法·作戰》: | 千里饋糧,則內外之費賓客之用,膠漆之材,車甲之奉,日費千金,然後十萬之師舉矣。 |
With provisions enough to carry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor, will reach the total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men. | |
《荀子·大略》: | 和之璧,井里之厥也,玉人琢之,為天子寶。 |
《說苑·君道》: | 《易》曰:『夫君子居其室,出其言善,則千里之外應之,況其邇者乎?』 |
《韓詩外傳·卷一》: | 故急轡御者、非千里之御也。 |
《大戴禮記·主言》: | 雖有國焉,不教不服,不可以取千里。 |
《白虎通德論·爵》: | 以其俱命於天,而王治五千里內也。 |
《新書·大政下》: | 故聖王在上位,則士百里而有一人,則猶無有也。 |
《新序·善謀下》: | 留侯曰:「此難以口舌爭也,顧上有所不能致者,天下有四人,園公、綺里季、夏黃公、角里先生。」 |
《中論·虛道》: | 聽不過閾𣙗之內,而聞千里之外。 |
《孔子家語·王言解》: | 雖有國之良馬,不以其道服乘之,不可以取道里。 |
《潛夫論·讚學》: | 是故造父疾趨,百步而廢,而託乘輿,坐致千里。 |
《論衡·命義》: | 遭者、遭逢非常之變,若成湯囚夏臺,文王厄牖里矣。 |
《風俗通義》: | 《傳》曰:「百里不同風,千里不同俗,戶異政,人殊服。」 |
《孔叢子·廣言》: | 里、度,居也。 |
《申鑒·時事》: | 若夫千里之任,不能充於郡,而縣邑之功廢,惜矣哉。 |
《新語·資質》: | 然賢聖或隱於田里,而不預國家之事者,乃觀聽之臣不明於下,則閉塞之譏歸於君。 |
《獨斷·卷上》: | 京師,天子之畿內千里,象日月,日月躔次千里。 |
《蔡中郎集·獨斷》: | 五等爵之別名:三公者,天子之相,相、助也,助理天下,其地方百里。 |
《墨子·大取》: | 諸以居運命者,若鄉里齊荊者,皆是。 |
《列子·黃帝》: | 華胥氏之國在弇州之西,台州之北,不知斯齊國幾千萬里。 |
《鶡冠子·王鈇》: | 鶡冠子曰:「其制邑理都使矔習者,五家為伍,伍為之長,十伍為里,里置有司,四里為扁,扁為之長,十扁為鄉,鄉置師,五鄉為縣,縣有嗇夫治焉,十縣為郡,有大夫守焉,命曰官屬。」 |
《文子·道德》: | 故通於道者如車軸,不運於己,而與轂致于千里,轉於無窮之原。 |
《文始真經·一宇》: | 關尹子曰:「以盆為沼,以石為島,魚環游之,不知其幾千萬里而不窮也。」 |
《列仙傳·葛由》: | 故里諺曰:「得綏山一桃,雖不得仙,亦足以豪。」 |
《鬻子》: | 聖人在上,賢士百里而有一人,則猶無有也。 |
《老子河上公章句》: | 不自見故明,聖人不以其目視千里之外也,乃因天下之目以視,故能明達也。 |
《韓非子·初見秦》: | 今秦地折長補短,方數千里,名師數十百萬。 |
《申不害·佚文》: | 百世有聖人猶隨踵,千里有賢人是比肩。意林二、繹史一百十一 |
《諫逐客書》: | 昔繆公求士,西取由余於戎,東得百里奚於宛,迎蹇叔於宋,來丕豹、公孫支於晉。 |
《管子·輕重己》: | 以秋日至始,數九十二日,天子北出九十二里而壇,服黑而絻黑,朝諸侯卿大夫列士,號曰發繇,趣山人斷伐,具械器。 |
《吳子·圖國》: | 闢土四面,拓地千里,皆起之功也。 |
《六韜·農器》: | 田里相伍,其約束符信也。 |
《尉繚子·兵談》: | 患在百里之內,不起一日之師。 |
《三略·上略》: | 千里饋糧,士有飢色。 |
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