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儒林外史 - The Scholars

[Qing] 1750 Library Resources

說楔子敷陳大義 借名流隱括全文 - In which an introductory story of a good scholar points the moral of the book

Library Resources
4 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
The next morning his mother took him to the Qin family next door. Old Qin gave them some breakfast, and when they had finished he led out a water buffalo and made it over to Wang Mian.
「Two bow shots from my gate is the lake,」 he said, pointing outside. 「And by the lake is a belt of green where all the buffaloes of the village browse. There are a few dozen big willows there too, so that it is quiet, shady and cool; and if the buffalo is thirsty it can drink at the water's edge. You can play there, son; but don't wander off. I shall see that you get rice and vegetables twice a day; and each morning I shall give you a few coppers to buy a snack to eat while you're out. Only you must work well. I hope you'll find this satisfactory.」
Wang Mian's mother thanked Old Qin and turned to go home. Her son saw her to the gate, and there she straightened his clothes for him.
「Mind now, don't give them any reason to find fault with you,」 she charged him. 「Go out early and come back at dusk. I don't want to have to worry about you.」
Wang Mian nodded assent. Then, with tears in her eyes, she left him.

5 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
From this time onwards, Wang Mian looked after Old Qin's buffalo; and every evening he went home to sleep. Whenever the Qin family gave him salted fish or meat, he would wrap it up in a lotus leaf and take it to his mother. He also saved the coppers he was given each day to buy a snack with, and every month or so would seize an opportunity to go to the village school to buy some old books from the book-vendor making his rounds. Every day, when he had tethered the buffalo, he would sit down beneath the willows and read.

7 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
Just then, he saw in the distance a fellow carrying two hampers over his shoulder and a bottle of wine in his hand. Hanging from one hamper was a rug. The man spread the rug under the willows, and opened the hampers. Behind him came three men in scholars' square caps, all some forty to fifty years old. Two were dressed in dark grey, and the third in a blue linen gown. Fanning themselves with white paper fans, they advanced slowly. The one in blue was fat. When he reached the willows he asked one of the men in grey, one with a long beard, to take the seat of honour, and another, a thin one, to sit on the rug opposite. He himself was evidently the host, for he sat in the lowest place and poured the wine. They began eating.

8 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
After a while, the fat man said, 「Mr. Wei has come back. His new house is even bigger than the one in Bell Tower Street in the capital. The price was two thousand taels of silver, but, because the purchaser was so distinguished, the owner allowed him several dozen taels discount for the sake of the credit he would get from this transaction. On the tenth of last month Mr. Wei moved in. The prefect and the county magistrate called to congratulate him, and stayed there feasting until nearly midnight. There is nobody who does not respect him.」
「The magistrate used to be Mr. Wei's pupil,」 said the thin man. 「It was only right for him to pay his respects.」
「My son-in-law's father is an old pupil of Mr. Wei's, too,」 said the fat man. 「He has a post as magistrate now in Henan Province. The day before yesterday my son-in-law came to visit me, bringing two catties of dried venison—that's it on this dish. When he goes back, he's going to ask his father to write a letter of introduction so that I can call on Mr. Wei. Then, if Mr. Wei condescends to come to the village to return the visit, the villagers won't dare to turn their donkeys and pigs loose to eat the grain in our fields any more.」
「Mr. Wei is a real scholar,」 said the thin man.
「Recently, when he left the capital,」 said the man with the beard, 「I heard the emperor himself escorted him out of the city, taking his hand and walking nearly twenty steps with him. It was only after Mr. Wei had repeatedly bowed and entreated him to go no further that the emperor got into his sedan-chair and returned to the city. Judging by this, Mr. Wei will probably soon become a great official.」
The three men talked on and on.

9 說楔子敷... :
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Wang Mian saw that it was growing late, and led the buffalo back. After that, Wang Mian no longer spent his savings on books, but asked someone to buy paints for him in the city, and learnt to paint lotus flowers. At first he did not do too well, but after three months he succeeded in capturing the very essence and shades of colour of the lotus. Though he painted on paper, his flowers seemed to be growing in the water, or as if freshly plucked from the lake and placed on a scroll. When the villagers saw how well he painted, some even bought his pictures. And when Wang Mian had money he bought good things for his mother. One person told another, until the whole of Zhuji County knew that he was a famous flower painter, and people vied with each other in their eagerness to buy. By the time he was eighteen he had stopped working for Old Qin, and spent every day doing some painting or reading old poems and essays. By degrees he no longer had to worry about his livelihood, and his mother was happy.

11 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
One day Wang Mian was sitting in Old Qin's cottage when a man wearing a bailiff's cap and blue cloth gown came in. Old Qin welcomed him, and after an exchange of courtesies they sat down. This newcomer's name was Zhai. He was a county runner and also a bailiff, but since Old Qin's son was his godchild he often came to the village to visit their family. Old Qin hastily called his son to make tea, kill a chicken and cook some meat to entertain the bailiff, and asked Wang Mian to accompany them.
When Bailiff Zhai heard Wang Mian's name, he asked, 「Is this Mr. Wang the flower painter?」
「Yes,」 said Old Qin. 「How did you get to know of him?」
「Is there anyone in the county who doesn't know him?」 retorted the bailiff. 「The other day the county magistrate commissioned me to get twenty-four paintings of flowers to send to a superior. Knowing Mr. Wang's great reputation, I've come straight here; and now I'm lucky enough to meet Mr. Wang himself.」 Then he turned to Wang Mian and said: 「I must trouble you to do some paintings. In two weeks I shall come to fetch them, bringing the payment from Magistrate Shi.」
Old Qin pressed Wang Mian to consent and, to please the old man, he agreed.
He went home and took infinite pains to paint twenty-four pictures of flowers, each with a poem appended. Bailiff Zhai reported his meeting with Wang Mian to the magistrate, who gave him twenty-four taels of silver. Of this sum Zhai appropriated half, giving twelve taels only to Wang Mian. He took the flower album away with him, and then the magistrate sent it with some other presents to Mr. Wei.

17 說楔子敷... :
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「You are making it very difficult for me,」 said the bailiff. 「What can I say to the magistrate when I go back?」
「In fact, it is difficult for you both,」 said Old Qin. 「Mr. Wang doesn't want to go. But if he doesn't go, that'll be very embarrassing for Bailiff Zhai. Now I have a plan. When you go back to the yamen, bailiff, don't say that Mr. Wang refuses the invitation, but just that he is ill and can't go. He will go in a few days when he is better.」
「If he were ill,」 objected the bailiff, 「I should have to get a signed statement to that effect from the neighbours.」

25 說楔子敷... :
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His mother said, 「Son, all these years, thanks to the poems and paintings you have sold, I have saved nearly fifty taels of silver. I don't have to worry about fuel and rice; and, old as I am, I'm hale and hearty. There's no reason why you shouldn't leave home and lie low for a time. You haven't committed any crime. The officers can't arrest your mother.」
「She's right,」 agreed Old Qin. 「Besides, if you bury yourself in this village, who will recognize your talents? Go to some big place, and who knows but what you may meet with recognition. I'll keep an eye on everything here for you, and see that your mother is all right.」
Wang Mian bowed his thanks to Old Qin, who went home to fetch food and wine for his friend. They feasted late into the night.

26 說楔子敷... :
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The next day Wang Mian got up before dawn, packed his belongings, and had breakfast; and then Old Qin arrived. Wang Mian bowed to his mother and to Old Qin; then, in tears, son and mother bade each other farewell. Wang Mian was wearing hempen sandals and carrying his possessions on his back. Old Qin, holding a small white lantern in his hand, saw him to the end of the village and, shedding tears, bade him goodbye. Then he stood, lantern in hand, gazing after Wang Mian until he could see him no more.

27 說楔子敷... :
In which an introductory...:
Braving the wind and dew, Wang Mian travelled day after day past large posting stations and small, till he came to the city of Jinan. Although Shandong is a northern province, its chief city was rich and populous, packed with buildings. By the time Wang Mian arrived here, his money was spent, and he had to rent a small front room in a temple and tell fortunes there. He also painted pictures of flowers, and posted up a couple to sell to passers-by. Every day he told fortunes and sold paintings, and customers flocked to him. In this way six months flew by.

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