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先秦兩漢 - Pre-Qin and Han

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儒家 - Confucianism

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禮記 - Liji

[Warring States (475 BC - 221 BC)] English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《禮記》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《小戴禮記》, "The Classic of Rites"]

檀弓下 - Tan Gong II

Books referencing 《檀弓下》 Library Resources
205 檀弓下:
Tan Gong II:
A man-at-arms at the Yang gate (of the capital of Song) having died, Zi-han, the superintendent of Works, went to (his house), and wailed for him bitterly. The men of Jin who were in Song as spies returned, and reported the thing to the marquis of Jin, saying, 'A man-at-arms at the Yang gate having died, Zi-han wailed for him bitterly, and the people were pleased; (Song), we apprehend, cannot be attacked (with success).' When Confucius heard of the circumstances, he said, 'Skilfully did those men do their duty as spies in Song. It is said in the Book of Poetry, "If there was any mourning among the people, I did my utmost to help them." Though there had been other enemies besides Jin, what state under the sky could have withstood one (in the condition of Song)?'

孔子閒居 - Kongzi Xian Ju

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《孔子閒居》 Library Resources
[Also known as: "Confucius at home at leisure"]

3 孔子閒居:
Kongzi Xian Ju:
Zi-xia said, 'I have heard your explanation of "the five extreme points;" allow me to ask what "the three points that have no positive existence" mean.' Confucius said, 'The music that has no sound; ceremonial usages that have no embodiment; the mourning that has no garb - these are what we denominate "the three points that have no positive existence." Zi-xia said, 'I have heard what you have said on those three negations; allow me to ask in which of the odes we find the nearest expression of them.' Confucius said, 'There is that (IV, ii, ode 1, 6), "Night and day he enlarged its foundations by his deep and silent virtue" - there is music without sound. And that (I, iii, ode 1, 3), "My deportment has been dignified and good, Without anything wrong that can be pointed out" - there is the ceremony that has no embodiment. And that (I, iii, ode 10, 4), "When among any of the people there was a death, I crawled on my knees to help them" - there is the mourning that has no garb.'

說苑 - Shuo Yuan

[Western Han (206 BC - 9)] Liu Xiang
Books referencing 《說苑》 Library Resources


Books referencing 《至公》 Library Resources
12 至公:

韓詩外傳 - Han Shi Wai Zhuan

[Western Han] 180 BC-120 BC
Books referencing 《韓詩外傳》 Library Resources


Library Resources
22 卷一:

孔子家語 - Kongzi Jiayu

[Han (206 BC - 220)]
Books referencing 《孔子家語》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《家語》]


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2 論禮:


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4 屈節解:


Library Resources
9 曲禮子貢... :

史書 - Histories

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漢書 - Han Shu

[Xin - Eastern Han] 36-111
Books referencing 《漢書》 Library Resources
[Also known as: 《前漢》]

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Books referencing 《元帝紀》 Library Resources
25 元帝紀:

Library Resources


Library Resources
35 谷永杜鄴... :

經典文獻 - Ancient Classics

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詩經 - Book of Poetry

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)]
Books referencing 《詩經》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《詩》, "The Book of Odes"]

國風 - Lessons from the states

Books referencing 《國風》 Library Resources

邶風 - Odes Of Bei

Books referencing 《邶風》 Library Resources

谷風 - Gu Feng

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《谷風》 Library Resources
4 谷風:
Gu Feng:
Where the water was deep,
I crossed it by a raft or a boat.
Where it was shallow,
I dived or swam across it.
Whether we had plenty or not,
I exerted myself to be getting.
When among others there was a death,
I crawled on my knees to help them.

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