Chinese Text Project
Simplified Chinese version

Advanced Search


1. Scope
2. Request type
Basic unit:Paragraph
Display:Text Statistics
Text match mode:Automatic Exact characters Identical (including punctuation)
3. Search parameters
Text/concept search
Text searchDictionary match

Referenced year search
From to - Years prior to 1 AD should be entered as negative numbers, e.g. -300 to -200.
Parallel passage search

Metadata search
Available propertiesSelected properties
All properties [先秦] [汉后]
Academic references [先秦] [汉后]
Administrative properties [先秦] [汉后]
Linguistic properties [先秦] [汉后]
‘已、巳、己’ issue [先秦] [汉后]
Fanqie reading [先秦] [汉后]
Paradox [先秦] [汉后]
Prescribed reading [先秦] [汉后]
Source of a 成語 [先秦] [汉后]
Tone prescription [先秦] [汉后]
Variant character [先秦] [汉后]
Literary properties [先秦] [汉后]
Choose properties to search on from the list on the left. Multiple selections are matched only when they occur within the same paragraph.

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