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Scope: Book of Poetry Request type: Paragraph
Condition 1: Contains text "lamb" Matched:15.
Total 14 paragraphs. Page 1 of 2. Jump to page 1 2

詩經 - Book of Poetry

[Western Zhou (1046 BC - 771 BC)]
Books referencing 《詩經》 Library Resources
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[Also known as: 《詩》, "The Book of Odes"]

國風 - Lessons from the states

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《國風》 Library Resources

召南 - Odes Of Shao And The South

Books referencing 《召南》 Library Resources

羔羊 - Gao Yang

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《羔羊》 Library Resources
1 羔羊:
Gao Yang:
[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
With their five braidings of white silk!
They have retired from the court to take their their meal;
Easy are they and self-possesed.

2 羔羊:
Gao Yang:
[Those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
With their five seams wrought with white silk!
Easy are they and self-possessed;
They have retired from the court to take their their meal.

3 羔羊:
Gao Yang:
The seams of [those] lamb-skins and sheep-skins,
The five joinings wrought with white silk!
Easy are they and self-possessed;
They have retired to take their their meal from the court.

鄭風 - Odes Of Zheng

Books referencing 《鄭風》 Library Resources

羔裘 - Gao Qiu

English translation: James Legge [?]
Books referencing 《羔裘》 Library Resources
1 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
His lambs's fur is glossy,
Truly smooth and beautiful.
That officer,
Rests in his lot and will not change.

2 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
His lambs's fur, with its cuffs of leopard-skin.
Looks grandly martial and strong.
That officer,
In the country will ever hold to the right.

3 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
How splendid is his lamb's fur!
How bright are its three ornaments!
That officer,
Is the ornament of the country.

唐風 - Odes Of Tang

Books referencing 《唐風》 Library Resources

羔裘 - Gao Qiu

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
Lamb's fur and leopard's cuffs,
You use us with unkindness.
Might we not find another chief?
But [we stay] because of your forefathers.

2 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
Lamb's fur and leopard's cuffs,
You use us with cruel unkindness.
Might we not find another chief?
But [we stay] from our regard to you.

檜風 - Odes Of Gui

Books referencing 《檜風》 Library Resources

羔裘 - Gao Qiu

English translation: James Legge [?] Library Resources
1 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
In your lamb's fur you saunter about;
In your fox's fur you hold your court.
How should I not think anxiously about you?
My toiled heart is full of grief.

2 羔裘:
Gao Qiu:
In your lamb's fur you wander aimlessly about;
In your fox's fur you appear in your hall.
How should I not think anxiously about you?
My heart is wounded with sorrow.

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